ACM Boston Preliminary (BOSPRE 2009)
Programming Contest Home Page
Due to an unusually large power outage problem in the town
of Medford MA, the Harvard and Tufts teams will be hosted
in Maxwell-Dworkin at Harvard, though Ben Hescott of Tufts
will be their host, and their account names will still
say `tufts'.
The BOSPRE computers have changed, both names and hardware.
The name changes are: ===> ===>
The new hardware is much faster, has bigger RAM, and is virtual.
IMPORTANT RULE: ACM requires that each individual
team member have COMPLETED their registration at the
ACM Programming Contest web site
BEFORE the team comes to BOSPRE 2009!
Host site details are here:
UMass Boston
UMass Boston Host Site for BOSPRE 2009
Registration: Please register your teams for the contest at the
ACM Programming Contest web site, and click on `Coach' under
`Regionals 2009 Start Here'.
You do NOT need to know your team members to register your teams,
nor do you need to have choosen final team names (they can be changed).
You should register early to get on our mailing list and get
practice accounts. You WILL need to have your student team members
register individually BEFORE Oct 17.
To see which teams registered for BOSPRE 2009 and other Northeastern
sites go here,
then click on North America in the map under
`Regional Contest Info Finder', then on `Northeastern',
then on `BOSPRE' (toward the bottom of the page),
and then on `Reservations'. (The new ACM software calculates
web pages dynamically so there is no direct persistant link
to the BOSPRE reservations.)
Wellesley Science Center Host Site for BOSPRE 2009
We plan for BOSPRE to be held every year by schools in the Boston
Harvard is willing to provide problems and judging, but other
schools must provide the host sites.
When you register for BOSPRE 2009 you will NOT be assigned a
hosting site. This will be done by the BOSPRE 2009 managers much later.
Some issues are: (1) some hosting sites are easier for some teams to
drive to than other sites, (2) some teams may be able to travel by
subway or bus to some sites but not others, and (3) two teams from
the same school go to the same hosting site.
Although BOSPRE 2009 will have multiple hosting sites, there
will be only one scoreboard and all teams at all BOSPRE 2009
hosting sites will be competing against each other.
There will be $75 per team registration fee.
It needs to be high enough so the team and coach
can be well feed by a caterer.
Each member of each team, BEFORE the team arrives at the contest, should
read the following help files.
Of course its OK to not do this
if you are less concerned about being competitive.
Here are postscript files for producing the handouts you will
be given at the contest:
help files
demos files.
These will be given to you when you check in
at the contest, but you are supposed to read the files listed
specifically above BEFORE you get to the contest.
No activities are planned for team coaches, but if any want
to plan something, e.g., lunch, they can email all the BOSPRE
team coaches at once at the mail drop
The Northeastern North America Regional web page is
For the curious, the Harvard Division of Engineering and
Applied Sciences (DEAS) changed its name to the School
of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) a few years
ago. The old name `deas' can still be used in place of
`seas' for some applications (e.g. email).