UNIX HELP (the minimalist approach): File: unix.help Author: course (send problems to walton@deas) Version: 5 ::= | . | / ::= [i.e. same syntax] . Names current directory. .. Names parent of current directory. ~ Names your home directory. ~ Names the home directory of . Here `' is a login name. * In or matches any 0 or more non-/ characters (wildcard). ? Ditto but matches exactly 1 character. logout Logout from UNIX. ll List current directory. ll List of current directory. ll .. List parent directory of current directory. ll > Put listing of current directory in a file with the given . cd Change current directory to . cd .. Change current directory to parent. mkdir Make a directory. rmdir Remove an empty directory. more Look at a file. control-D Continue to next page. control-C Terminate. / Search forward for line containing . vi Edit a file: see vi.help. view Ditto but prohibits changing the file. ci -l Backup (check in) a file: see rcs.help. rcsdiff Find changes in a file since last backup. See rcs.help. diff Find the differences between two text files. rm Remove . (Type y at any prompt.) cp Make a copy of and name the copy . mv Rename giving it the new name . Director- ies can also be renamed. mv Move to (which can be .. to denote parent directory). chmod u+w Make file writable by you. chmod a-w Make file readonly by all. ^Z Suspend current program. (Put in background.) fg Resume suspended program. (Return to foreground.) jobs List suspended programs. fg % Resume 'th suspended program (if more than one). kill % Kill 'th suspended program. kill -9 % A stronger form of kill, if above does not work. ps lx List all your processes. kill Kill process with given PID. kill -9 A stronger form of kill, if above does not work. Problem Fixes: set ignoreeof If control-D logs you out, you can prevent this by setting ignoreeof. stty erase '^?' If backspace/delete key does not stty erase '^H' work right, try resetting it with one of these stty commands. Environmental Dependencies: ll Works only if `alias ll ls -l' defined. .login and .cshrc files source ~lib51/cs51.login Add this line to your .login file after the `source /usr/local/...' statement. source ~lib51/cs51.cshrc Add this line to your .cshrc file after the `source /usr/local/...' statement.