LISP HELP File: Author: course (send problems to walton@das) Version: 5 ~lib51/bin/lisp Invoke the CS 51 COMMONLISP interpreter. control-D Exit the COMMONLISP interpreter. (bye) Ditto but more potent. The following have been added to the CS 51 interpreter: ------------------------------------------------------- (run :in "") Input and output as if had been typed into the COMMONLISP interpreter. Default extension of is ".in". (run :in "" :pause t) Ditto but pauses after each expression is read waiting for the user to type a carriage return. (run :in "" :out "") Ditto without pauses, but output to the file ; default extension of output is ".out". (run) Run with :in, :out, and :pause parameters last given. (vil "") Invoke VI to edit the file. When VI is quit, perform a (load "") to load the file. (vi "") Ditto but do not load the file. (vir "") Ditto but after VI is quit do a (run :in "") to run the file. picol, pico, picor Use in place of vil, vi, vir to edit with PICO instead of with VI. The following are for debugging: ------------------------------- (trace ) Turn tracing on for a function. (untrace ) Turn tracing off for a function. (step ) Step through the execution of the . Commands in step mode: step Take the next step in evaluating the next form. next Evaluate the next form completely. continue Evaluate until step mode finished. (also see commands at a `break') control-C Stop the currently executing s-expression. May have to type more than once. Enters `break'. An error also enters `break'. Commands at a break: backtrace List forms currently executing. Where is any s-expression: evaluate and print result. abort Return to (or toward) top level. control-D Ditto. The following are for general utility: ------------------------------------- control-Z Temporarily leave the interpreter and return to UNIX. The interpreter remains stopped in the background. You can use this to edit files, for example. But DO NOT LEAVE the interpreter stopped when you log out. fg Restart interpreter stopped by control-Z. Specifically, make the current background program a foreground program. Assumes only one program is in background. kill %% Kill job in background. Control-Z followed by this is a dire emergency exit for the COMMONLISP interpreter. (dribble "") Capture all keystrokes and program output in . (dribble) Turn off above capture. (apropos "") Print the names of all symbols containing the string . Lower case letters in will match upper case letters in symbols. (documentation ' ') Print documentation about about the use of in the given , where the ' is one of: 'function, 'variable, 'setf, 'type, or 'structure.