;;;; Assignment 1, Rewrites and Recursion ;;;; ;;;; File: asst1.txt ;;;; Author: CS 51 (walton@deas) ;;;; Version: 4 This assignment has two parts, a theory part, and a coding part. In the theory part you must solve some problems from Chapter 1 of Introduction to Symbolic Computing. In the coding part you must write several short functions to be found in the file functions.lsp. You must test your function code using the file functions.in. ======================================================== The specific things you must do are: (0) Do assignment 0, which prepares you to do assignment 1. You should read Chapters 2 and 3 of Graham's book and Chapter 1 of Introducton to Symbolic Computing. (1) For the theory part, do the following exercises from Introduction to Symbolic Computing: (due to typo this is (e) at top of second column) It is easiest to handwrite your answers. Staple this theory part separately as it is to be turned in separately from the coding part and the two parts will be graded by separate graders. (2) Write (type into functions.lsp) the rewrite rules (RR) for the functions: fibonacci copy-types my-intersection look-into This is the design part of this assignment. (3) Write the code for the above functions (type it into functions.lsp). You are NOT permitted to use SETF or DO in this code. You MUST use PURE LISP and RECURSION. If you do this you will find these functions are very short. You are NOT permitted to use functions not described in Chapter 1 of Introduction to Symbolic Computing. In particular, you must not use the COMMONLISP INTERSECTION function to implement MY-INTERSECTION. You MUST indent your code in a proper readable fashion. Learn to use == and =% in vi. (4) Test the code by running: make functions.out and looking at the results. (5) When you have finished all the above, submit electronically by executing make submit Then print a copy for the grader by executing make sprint If your laser printer budget has not been established by the time assignment 1 is due, use make print instead of `make sprint'. (6) Turn in the theory part of the assignment and the output of `make sprint' at the class after the assignment due date listed in the syllabus. Do NOT staple the theory part and the `make sprint' output together. These two parts go to separate graders. ======================================================== The theory part is worth 25 points, the rewrite rules in functions.lsp are worth 10 points, and the code code is worth 25 points. Should you omit a function (or need to copy it from someone: be sure to comment that you have done so), points will be subtracted as follows: fibonacci 5 copy-types 6 my-intersection 7 look-into 6 These points happen to equal the number of lines of code containing a `)' in a well written version of the function (they also happen to add to almost 25). ======================================================== Hints: (0) Do the theory before you write functions whose definition depends on the theory. Discuss related but UNASSIGNED exercises with other students or instructors. (1) You can do this assignment one function at a time. START EARLY. You can do the fibonacci function before you have finished reading about symbolic data. It is usually most efficient to write the rewrite rules on paper first and then a rough draft of the function on paper. (2) The lectures on arithmetic and rewrite rules, and on symbolic data, contain the basic information required to do this assignment. The LOOK-INTO function requires knowlege of FUNCALL. You should read as much of Graham's book as you need to understand the COMMONLISP required by this assignment. (3) We suggest you write the RR for a function first, then write the code, then test, all before going on to the next function. After you get the hang of it you can try several functions at once, but until you do, one function at a time is best. (4) FIBONNACI. We give you the mathematical form of the rewrite rules. YOU are expected to give us the LISP form of the rewrite rules. (5) COPY-TYPES. This function mostly copies an s-expression. To copy an s-expression you look at the input: if it is an atom, you output an atom, and if it is a cons cell, you make copies of the car and cdr of the cons cell and put the copies together with the cons function. For each atom you find, you need to output 'symbol or 'number if the atom is not NIL. The SYMBOLP and NUMBERP functions are helpful. (6) MY-INTERSECTION. This is a matter of copying the first list and is somewhat like APPEND. However, an element is NOT copied to the output if it is not a MEMBER of the second list. (7) LOOK-INTO. This is just a matter of exploring an s-expression and testing each atom. If the input is NIL, you output NIL. If it is a non-NIL atom, you apply the predicate to the atom to get the output. If the input is a cons cell, you test the car and the cdr of the input, and if either is true, you output true, but if both are false (NIL), you output false (NIL). The OR function is helpful. Good Luck!