MIDTERM REVIEW, CSCI S-51, Summer 1999 File: midterm-review.txt Author: Bob Walton (walton@das.harvard.edu) Version: 4 The midterm will be on all lectures through and including logic programming and on all of assignments 1, 2, and 3, EXCEPT for the code of the CHILDREN and GOAL functions for logic programming in assignment 3 (we suggest you do all the rest of assignment 3 before the midterm even if you plan to submit the assignment after the midterm). The midterm is closed book, except (1) you may have open any COMMONLISP programming language textbook, such as Paul Graham's; and (2) you may bring any two pages (4 page sides) of notes you make yourself. These must be turned in with the exam blue book, and will be returned with the graded blue book. Material you should have learned while doing the assignments is strongly emphasized in the midterm. Below, study topics that are NOT (necessarily) learned while doing assignments are *'ed, and should be studied AFTER the other study topics have been mastered. Can You: Evaluate by hand simple expressions with operators like +, - , *, /, CONS, CAR, CDR, ATOM, CONSP, SYMBOLP, NUMBERP, ODDP, EVENP, MEMBER, EQL. Define simple functions like CIRCLE-AREA. Define short recursive functions using rewrite rules: see exercise Write LISP code given a function defined by rewrite rules: see exercise Draw a call tree given a function defined by rewrite rules or by code: see exercise Tell which dotted/undotted lists represent the same internal list structure: e.g., (A . (B . NIL)) == (A B . NIL) == (A B) Describe the memory model of LISP. What represents an atom, a variable, a cons-cell. Given a LISP memory model graph, give the correspond- ing s-expressions. Given s-expressions, draw the LISP memory model graph they represent. Tell how (QUOTE X) and (FUNCTION X) print? What do they do as special functions? Explain LET and LET*. Given a LET with several variables can you draw the memory model diagram produced. Describe what EQL does in terms of the memory model. Describe what a rewrite rule (RR) is. Tell the difference between a normal function, a macro, and a special function. Explain &OPTIONAL. Write RR to define COND, CONS, CAR, CDR, NTH, APPEND, REVERSE, CONSP, EQL, ATOM, LISTP, OR, AND, MEMBER, EQUAL, MAPCAR Define functions that use closures by RR or code: see exercise and Given a SIMPLE backquote expression, e.g. `(x ,y), could you write an equivalent using only CONS and QUOTE (') instead of BACKQUOTE (`) and COMMA (,). * Could you tell what a simple macro call does. Could you translate a simple function whose entire body was a simple DO to a recursive function. Given a function defined by RR, show how a call on the function evaluates by rewrites. Describe what a grammar is. * Given a grammar defining a set of expressions, tell whether some given expression is in the set. Define normal form. Why is it important? Can you do rewrites in an algebra of integer evaluation. Ditto modulo N for N = 2 to 9. Tell what is and is not a wff. Demonstrate provable equality in the algebra of simple expressions or boolean algebra or propositional calculus with constants. Do rewrites in the algebra of simple expressions or using the dnf rewrite rules or using boolean algebra rewrite (evaluation) rules. Define terminating and confluent and tell why each is important. * Define sound and complete and tell why each is important. Describe how one might instrument a function. What advantages does this have over trace? Can you define `theorem' and `unsatisfiable' and explain how these concepts are related. Given a simple graph could you construct the first few levels of the search tree. Given a small search tree construct the associated graph. Could you run each of the goal search algorithms on a simple example by hand, given either the search tree or the graph. Can you number the nodes in the order they are visited. Could you run the game search algorithm on a simple example by hand. See exercise Can you explain alpha-beta pruning. Can you define all the terms associated with trees and graphs. Could you complete a RR like: (dnf-distribute '(and (or x y) z)) ===> ???? or (literals '(and x y)) ===> ??? Could you answer a query given a simple database. Could you draw a path to a goal in an SLD-resolution tree. Could you execute a substitution for an expression. Could you unify two expressions given an input substitution. * Could you complete a RR like: (breadth-first-search '(state . more-states) #'children #'goal) ===> ??? or other tree searches. * Ditto for unify if most of the RR were given and you were asked to fill in the blanks. Things that will NOT be on the exam. Complexity Theory (next exam). Closures with variables bound into them (next exam). Polynomials or Rational Expressions (we will ask about simple expressions or wff instead). Rewrites using constant elimination or cnf rules (we will use dnf rules instead). Tail Recursion (next exam). Grammars (next exam). Design and code for logic programming. (but theory will be on this midterm)