* How do I connect to the internet? Click on v (down-arrow-head) in upper right corner of screen and follow menu. * How do I turn the touch-pad off? Click on v (down-arrow-head) in upper right corner of screen and then click on tool icon. At the menu follow Devices>Mouse&Touchpad and turn Touchpad off. * How do I change a terminal's font and color? In the terminal window, font size can be increased by CONTROL-SHIFT-+ and decreased by CONTROL-- (CONTROL-minus). For other changes go to Edit>Preferences, E.g., in Edit>Preferences>Colors turn off `Use color from system theme' and try the builtin color schemes. * In BOSPRE TERMINAL/PRACTICE what is the best way to open a new terminal window? Execute `term ACCOUNT', where ACCOUNT is your contest/practice account name. After making one window this way, you can execute just `term'. These are equivalent to `gnome-terminal -- ssh -X ACCOUNT@HOST', where HOST is the contest/practice host computer. * What internet connections can I make? In BOSPRE WEB: any NON-ssh connection. In BOSPRE TERMINAL: ONLY ssh to the contest host. In BOSPRE PRACTICE: ONLY ssh to the practice host. * Where is the BOSPRE WEB home page? http://hc3.seas.harvard.edu/hc3/bospre/usb * Can this computer's hard drive be read or written by BOSPRE USB? No. * When I power off or reboot BOSPRE USB, will all files changed in my BOSPRE USB session on this computer be lost? Yes. For BOSPRE TERM/PRACTICE you can save files by using scp.