Note: Accounts are assigned randomly using a 20-sided die so any problems with a terminal will be unbiased bad luck, except minimal adjustments are made so that two teams from the same school are not near each other in the linear order. Accounts should be assigned to terminals in linear order around-the-room for this reason. Account Team hc3-brown1 Brown 2 hc3-brown2 Stonehill Induction hc3-brown3 Providence Friars hc3-brown4 Brown Happy Pumpkins hc3-brown5 Stonehill Recursion hc3-mit1 MIT Beavers hc3-mit2 Tufts 1 hc3-mit3 Wellesley Wackie-sters hc3-mit4 Harvard 1 hc3-mit5 Tufts 2 hc3-mit6 Middlebury Mojo hc3-mit7 Wellesley Wacs hc3-mit8 Olin 1 hc3-mit9 MIT 150s hc3-mit10 Wellesley Wackie-sts hc3-mit11 Tufts 0 hc3-mit12 Middlebury Rainbow hc3-mit13 MIT Engineers hc3-mit14 Olin 2 hc3-mit15 Wellesley Wackie-rs hc3-mit16 Harvard 2