BOSPRE 2006 ASSIGNMENTS Sun Oct 8 06:04:22 EDT 2006 IMPORTANT: Each contestant must be fully registered, with all required data (phone #, dates, etc.), BEFORE you arrive on contest day. IMPORTANT: If you are a coach and want a catered box lunch, email PROMPTLY saying how many COACHES lunches you want (teams each get 3 for team members automatically). IMPORTANT: If you want to change your team names, do so promptly and email Teams that would have to rent cars otherwise were assigned to MIT if possible; all others were assigned to Fitchburg. Account assignment was done with a 20-sided die, accept that two teams from the same school were not assigned consecutive numbers. The expectation is that account numbers will be assigned to terminals linearly so teams can be easily located given the account. The team contest accounts and locations are: AT FITCHBURG STATE: hc3-fsc1 Providence Friars Room TBD hc3-fsc2 Fitchburg Falcons Room TBD hc3-fsc3 Wellesley WACkiers Room TBD hc3-fsc4 Stonehill Panthers Room TBD hc3-fsc5 WPI 001 Room TBD hc3-fsc6 WNEC Blue Room TBD hc3-fsc7 WPI 000 Room TBD hc3-fsc8 WNEC Gold Room TBD hc3-fsc9 Brown Bears Room TBD hc3-fsc10 UMassA Minutemen Room TBD hc3-fsc11 Fitchburg snoclaF Room TBD hc3-fsc12 Merrimack Warriors Room TBD hc3-fsc13 Brownian Motion Room TBD AT MIT: hc3-mit1 McGill 1 Room TBD hc3-mit2 UMassB Beacons Room TBD hc3-mit3 ULaval Room TBD hc3-mit4 UMassB Aces Room TBD hc3-mit5 McGill 2 Room TBD