BOSPRE 2005 GENERIC Schedule: Wed Oct 12 11:12:45 EDT 2005 [IMPORTANT: If you are a coach and want a catered box lunch, email saying how many COACHES lunches you want (teams each get 3 for team members automatically).] [There will be two separate and MORE SPECIFIC copies of this schedule in the end, both posted on the web and handed out at checkin: one for Fitchburg State and one for Middlebury College. Check the web the day before the contest for updates.] 8:30 - 9:45am: checkin, get assigned rooms and termin- als, get hardcopies of handouts that are on the web, practice at your terminal using your contest account. (8:30am - 9am we will be setting up so expect delays in terminal access if you are this early.) 9:45am - 10:00am: VERY short meeting in RoomTBD solely to introduce the people running the contest and answer questions. In theory, everything you really need to know will be in the handouts which you have read off the web and were given in hardcopy when you checked in. The meeting will end at 10:00am SHARP with problems being handed out, after which teams will go to their terminals. 10:00am - 3:00pm the contest proper. After the contest starts, the contestants can run hpcm_get to set up their problem directories. about noon: catered lunch for the contestants. Please eat OUTSIDE the computer labs. Coaches will NOT be included by default: if a coach wants a box lunch, email immediately. 3:30pm - 4:00pm final meeting to announce winners in RoomTBD DO NOT eat in the computer labs. The food in the LocationTBD is for you guys: eat, drink, and work hard. You can eat in the halls if you must. Teams may use RoomTBD or RoomTBD to hold meetings or as a quiet work area. The judge can be seen in RoomTBD. We will put a scoreboard up in PlaceTBD. The team contest accounts and locations are: [Team assignment is based on geography and willingness of teams to do an overnight at Middlebury. Account assigment was done with a 20-sided die.] AT FITCHBURG STATE: hc3-fsc1 WNEC Gold Room TBD hc3-fsc2 Brown Bears Room TBD hc3-fsc3 Fitchburg Falcons Room TBD hc3-fsc4 WNEC Blue Room TBD hc3-fsc5 Providence College Room TBD hc3-fsc6 Stonehill Skyhawks Too Room TBD hc3-fsc7 Colby Mules Room TBD hc3-fsc8 Wellesley WAC! Room TBD hc3-fsc9 UMassB Beacons Room TBD hc3-fsc10 Fitchburg noclaFs Room TBD hc3-fsc11 Stonehill Skyhawks Room TBD AT MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE: hc3-mc21 Middlebury Panthers Room TBD hc3-mc22 Norwich Plan B Room TBD hc3-mc23 Middlebury Lynx Room TBD hc3-mc24 Norwich Beta Release Room TBD