About This Contest Wed Oct 15 10:26:01 EDT 2003 You should have the following 4 handouts: (1) Help Files: this handout (index is next item). (2) Demo Files: demonstration code. (3) Schedule: one page, with room numbers. (4) Problems: not given out till start of contest. The command `help' will display this file. This is a `formal' contest. The command help formal_contest displays more details about formal contests. The contest managers will log in for you. You will NOT be given a password. If you have an xterminal, the xcsh command will make more windows: see `help xterminals'. The command `hpcm_get' will get a demonstration problem into your directory ~/demos/count (where ~ denotes your home directory). Read ~/demos/count/README and ~/demos/ count/Makefile and practice submitting the demonstra- tion problem. Hpcm_get will also get all the contest problems into your `~/problems' directory AFTER the contest official- ly starts. At the contest start time, you will be given a printout of all the problem descriptions. The command `help problems' will display a list of all the problems AFTER the contest starts. Also see `help solving'. The command `scoreboard' will display the scoreboard. The time of a problem is the time between the start time of the contest and the time a solution is submit- ted. To display a list of the help files available use the command `help index'. Note that if something in the index has the name `help/topic' you use the command `help topic' to view it. To send a question to the contest manager edit the question into a file qqq and use the command: hpcm_sendmail < qqq Output of the print commands (see `help print') will be brought to you. Please do NOT try to find the printer. For more information see `help print'. Good hunting!