Balanced Strings
-------- -------

A balanced string is a string whose parentheses all
match.  Thus

         ::= empty-string
	   | balanced-string non-parenthesis-character
	   | balanced-string ( balanced-string )

You have been asked to develop a piece of code that
determines whether strings are balanced.


For each string, one line whose contents is the string.
The maximum string length is 80 characters.

The input ends with an end of file.


For each string, one line beginning with `String #:' and
ending with either `balanced' or `NOT balanced'.

Sample Input
------ -----

This is (a) very ((bal)(en(ce)d)) st()ring!
But this is (a) bit (un((bal)(en(ce)d)).
And so is) (this).

Note: This sample input is a file with exactly 3 lines.

Sample Output
------ ------

String 1: balanced
String 2: NOT balanced
String 3: NOT balanced

File:	balanced.txt
Author:	Bob Walton <>
Date:	Mon Oct  8 02:39:54 EDT 2001

The authors have placed this file in the public domain;
they make no warranty and accept no liability for this

RCS Info (may not be true date or author):

    $Author: walton $
    $Date: 2001/10/08 07:16:07 $
    $RCSfile: balanced.txt,v $
    $Revision: 1.2 $