About This Contest Wed Oct 03 23:01:08 EDT 2001 You are expected to carefully read this and all other contest help files BEFORE you come to the contest (or in the car, on the bus, etc.). There will be a pre-contest meeting that is very short at which we will answer ques- tions you have after carefully reading this material. In addition, we promise you at least one dynamic pro- gramming problem and at least one 2D geometry problem in this contest, so you may want to read the help files on these topics to prepare for this contest. You should use a practice account to familiarize your- self with the contest software BEFORE you come to the contest. Practice accounts will be disabled in the early morning of the contest day. Your coach has been sent practice account names and passwords. You can also practice after you arrive using your con- test account, which you will be given when you arrive. You will NOT be given passwords for contest accounts. All logging in will be done by the contest management personnel. On some terminals, the xcsh command will let you create new windows, but on other terminals, a separate login may be required for each window created, and for these you must ask a contest manager to create more windows for you. The flip side of this is you may work anywhere because you cannot access your account from anywhere but your terminal. Of course we assume you will not consult non-team members about the contest problems. After the short pre-contest meeting, you will be handed printouts of the problem descriptions. Also after that time the hpcm_get command will be able to setup the contest problem directories within your contest account. This contest uses an autojudge and a human judge, and you are given BOTH scores. If the autojudge score is `Completely Correct', it is final. Otherwise the auto- judge's score will be reviewed and confirmed or changed by the human judge, and the human judge's score will be final. Scores are delivered by email, though some summary information about them appears on the score- board. This is a `formal' contest. The command help formal_contest displays more details about formal contests. The command `hpcm_get' will get a demonstration problem into your directory ~/demos/count (where ~ denotes your home directory). Read ~/demos/count/README and ~/demos/ count/Makefile and practice submitting the demonstra- tion problem. Hpcm_get will also get all the contest problems into your `~/problems' directory AFTER the contest official- ly starts. At the contest start time, you will be given a printout of all the problem descriptions. The command `help problems' will display a list of all the problems AFTER the contest starts. Also see `help solving'. The command `scoreboard' will display the scoreboard. The time of a problem is the time between the start time of the contest and the time a solution is submit- ted. To display a list of the help files available use the command `help index'. Note that if something in the index has the name `help/topic' you use the command `help topic' to view it. To send a question to the contest manager edit the question into a file qqq and use the command: hpcm_sendmail < qqq Output of the print commands (see `help print') will be brought to you. Please do NOT try to find the printer. For more information see `help print'. Good hunting!