Scoreboard Help Wed Oct 18 12:00:20 EDT 2000 Interpreting the Scoreboard ------------ --- ---------- The scoreboard lists for each team (contestant account) a `score' for each problem and a total time. Teams with more problems correct rank higher in the scoring, and the total time, which is just a sum times to solve each problem, is only used to rank teams with the same number of problems correct. The team with the smallest total time ranks highest among all teams with the same number of correct problems. Teams are sorted in rank order in the scoreboard, with highest ranking teams first. For each team and problem a problem score is given. The problem score `......' means the team has not submitted the problem. `..../N' for some decimal number N means the team has submitted the problem N times but all these submissions are incorrect. If a team has submitted a correct solution for a prob- lem, the problem time is the elapsed time between the start of the problem and the time of the correct solu- tion. The problem score on the scoreboard can represent this as `M:SSsN', with decimal numbers M, SS, and N, meaning that the problem time is M minutes and SS sec- onds, and there were N submissions, including N-1 incor- rect submissions before the first correct submission. The `s' means the time SS is in seconds. `H:MMmN' instead means the time is H hours and MM min- utes, rounded down to the nearest minute. `D:HHhN' instead means the time is D days and HH hours, rounded down to the nearest hour. `DdN' means the time is D days, rounded down to the nearest day. The choice of time unit, s, m, h, or d, is made to give the problem time to the greatest accuracy within 6 display charac- ters, including the unit character. However the actual problem time used for computing the total score below is always in seconds. For a formal contest the start time of all problems is the start time of the contest. For informal contests the start time of a problem may be the time the problem was gotten by the team using hpcm_get, or the time the team got its first problem using hpcm_get. The total time is the sum of the correct problem times, in seconds. For some contests a penalty is added for each incorrect submission of a problem before the cor- rect submission of that problem. Typical penalties, if they are being used, are 10 to 20 minutes. There is no penalty for incorrect submission of a problem never submitted correctly by a team. In some contests, problems are scored first by an auto- judge, and then if they are not completely correct, the score is reviewed by a human judge. If you see a `*' preceding any problem score or any total time, this means that one or more submissions used to compute the score or time have been scored incorrect by the auto- judge, but are still awaiting review by the human judge.