Palindrome Sentences ---------- --------- Given a set of words, find the longest possible palin- drome using only that set of words, with no repeated words. A palindrome is a phrase whose alphabetic characters are in the same sequence when reversed, as in Madam, I'm Adam or Able was I ere I saw Elba or A man, a plan, a canal: Panama. (Note that two of these have repeated words; this is disallowed by our problem specification.) The length is measured in characters NOT including spaces. The input sets will have no repeated words. The input will consist of multiple sets of words. Each word is on a single line by itself, and each set of words ends with an empty line that contains nothing. There are no space characters in any line. Each word consists solely of lowercase letters. There will be fewer than 1000 words in all the input word sets combined and no word will be longer than 80 characters. Output is a single line containing the unique longest palindrome made from each word set. The input word sets will be chosen so that there is exactly one longest palindrome that can be made from the word set without repeating words. There must be a single space character between consecutive words in the output line, and no other space characters in the line. The line may be very long. The words and the palindromes may not necessarily make sense. Sample input: an bann nab foo code coder contest fast gnu problem redo reverse rung Sample output: bann an nab gnu redo code rung