Optimum Number Representation ------- ------ -------------- The inhabitants of the ancient tribe of Pagong had in- credible numerical dexterity. Their numeral system was not decimal, but reverse-polish-notation based. Each number was represented by a sequence of digits and oper- ations. The `digits' they used were surprisingly simi- lar to those we use today: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten represented our numbers 1 through 10, respectively. To build numbers larger than ten, they composed other num- bers with the operations * or +, respectively, using reverse polish notation, where the operation follows the two operands. Thus, one representation for our number 13 is eight five + Another representation is one two + two * two * one + Because there were so many representations of the same number, `high' Pagong dictates that the canonical representation of a number be the shortest possible representation, and where there were ties in length, that the earliest lexigraphically shall be the canonical number. (Their lexigraphical ordering was the same as ASCII, amazingly). The length includes all characters, including a single space that follows each digit or op- eration but the last. Thus, the shortest possible representations of 13 are: three ten + four nine + six seven + seven six + nine four + ten three + and of these, four nine + is the earliest and thus canonical representation of 13. Your task is to translate numbers from our Arabic repre- sentation to the canonical Pagong representation. Each input number will be on a line by itself, and the output should consist of lines each containing just one canon- ical Pagong number. All numbers will be 1000 or less, and there will be fewer than five hundred numbers in the input set. Sample input: 5 101 64 Sample output: five one ten ten * + eight eight *