BOSPRE 2000 Home Page
- This is the now out of date web page for BOSPRE 2000, which
has already been held. This page will be kept around until
BOSPRE 2001 gets going, just in case people want to find some
information from this page.
- NOTE: Pages referenced from this page may be updated and differ
from what they were during BOSPRE 2000 itself.
- Please print out these contest help pages
and read them before you arrive at the contest.
- If you need parking go here IMMEDIATELY.
- If you need overnight accommodations go
- A list of recent changes to BOSPRE pages.
- The contest date is Saturday Oct 21, 2000.
- The contest site is the ground floor and basement of the Maxwell-Dworkin
building at Harvard.
- There will be a $50 registration fee payable upon arrival at the
- To register for the contest go to the
ACM Programming Contest
Home Page and click on `Registration'.
- To see which teams have registered for this and other Northeastern
sites go
- The Northeastern Region of the ACM contest is run by
Westfield State College.
- The final schedule is:
- 8:30 - 9:45am: checkin, get assigned rooms and terminals, practice
at your terminal using your contest account.
(8:30am - 9am we will be setting up so expect delays if you are
this early.)
- 9:45am - 9:55am: VERY short meeting solely to introduce the people
running the contest and answer questions. In theory, everything
you really need to know will be in the handouts which are
in this page and the
contest help pages.
- 9:55am - 10:00am Teams go to their terminals.
- 10:00am - 3:00pm the contest proper. The contest will start with
the problems being handed out to the contestants at their
terminals at 10:00am sharp.
- about noon: catered lunch for the contestants.
- noon: restaurant lunch for the coaches (probably NOT Chinese).
- 3:30pm - 4:00pm final meeting to announce winners.
- Threre is a practice facility. Your coach will have been emailed
a password for a practice account, one per team. Please use this
before the contest day. To access these accounts
you must have ssh, secure shell. Only SSH1 is required.
Some ssh web sites are:
- Parking.
If you want to park your car(s) at Harvard send email
BY OCT 19 indicating the number of cars to
Expect email confirmation. One car per team is free;
other cars are $5. When you arrive you will be given a green
parking permit. Travel directions follow.
- Travel directions are here.
- If you have any special needs (e.g., dietary), questions, or comments
please mail
- This BOSPRE is being run by Harvard and MIT jointly. Harvard is
providing the facilities and judging, MIT the problems. In order
to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest, Harvard and MIT
teams will not attend BOSPRE (they are going to Worcester).
We plan for BOSPRE to be held every year (in ADDITION to Worcester)
by schools in the Boston area. Harvard is willing to do half the
work in any given year for the next few years, but other schools
must do the other half.